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SEND Mediation
We provide qualified mediators to families where an agreement cannot be made with their Local Authority

The Children and Families Act 2014 changed the way special educational needs and disability (SEND) provision is delivered. Children and young people with special educational needs and disability from birth to age 25 are subject to Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans from 1st April 2015 which replaced Statements of SEND and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDA).
Suffolk County Council’s Inclusion Service commissions ACT to provide a free and impartial service to offer SEND Mediation or Disagreement Resolution and advice and guidance associated with this.
This service is completely free of charge and confidential and you can call the ACT Helpline on 01473 618675 to access this SEND Mediation or Disagreement Resolution advice and guidance or for more information.
This service is completely free of charge and confidential and you can call the ACT Helpline on 01473 618675 to access this SEND Mediation or Disagreement Resolution advice and guidance or for more information.
If you'd like to find out about volunteering for our Advice & Guidance team, contact: volunteer@angliacaretrust.org.uk / 01473 622888