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Housing First

The principle of Housing First is to keep the accommodation in place, whatever happens, and then build the support needed around the individual.
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Working in partnership with Ipswich Housing Action Group and Ipswich Borough Council, between us we aim to support 18 individuals to keep their tenancy and to become active members of their community. For some, this is the first time they have been able to keep their own home for many, many years.


This is a very specialised support service based on an internationally recognised approach to tackling homelessness, for people who have been unable to sustain long-term accommodation - providing a tenancy first as a platform for change, with intensive and flexible support to help clients address their needs at their pace, keeping accommodation in place, whatever happens, and then building the support needed around the individual.


This service is supported by our team of Peer Mentors working alongside our Housing Officers.

Referrals for this service come through Ipswich Borough Council Housing Options and the Rough Sleeper Initiative.

If you'd like to find out about volunteering for our Housing team, contact: / 01473 622888

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